Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas part two

So my first post I just wanted to share Christmas in pictures. I have to admit that playing Santa was a lot of fun! As soon as the baby was asleep, I put the presents under the tree and snapped my pictures. The morning was a lot of fun as well. The baby liked to rip the paper off of the first few presents, then he just wanted to play with the wrapping paper.. not the toys. He loved his Rockstar Elmo, his t-ball, and a bunch of other things. It was like a field day in our living room with all of the toys sprawled around. And of course grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins had to shower little man with tons of gifts! I'm tempted to rewrap some for next year.. the baby will never know! :) After presents I helped prepare some food for company. We had a southern style Christmas, definately not the same food I am used to as a kid.. the lasagna, the antipaste, basically Italian food. Nonetheless, the food was delicious, and the company was wonderful. Little man was so overstimulated that he did not nap the entire time company was over. Once everyone left, he crased! Dad came over the following day with Erika, Becky had to stay home because she had a cold. He bought the baby books and a "sing-a-ma-jig". It is hilarios!
I hope that everyone else had a magical holiday season. I am off to Michael's to snatch some steals for next year. Maybe I will buy a few presents for the following year!
Happy Holidays everyone, and a Happy New Year!

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