Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Week into 2012

and we wonder why the time flies. It does. Literally. It grows wings and takes off. Faster than AF1.

A WHOLE week. 7 days. 168 hours. 10080 minutes. What did I do this week?? Played a few video games, worked, slept, ate. Filled my time with nonsense really. And one week will turn into one month filled with the same "nonsense". Life happens, yes. And we have to have a certain aspect of monotony, but when do we get to infuse the fun and spunk? Maybe when we have money to afford fun and spunk? I refuse to do nothing due to lack of money, I shall find things to do! That is a promise I am going to make to myself for the upcoming week. I will be doing my EMT recertification, but in that time I will find an opportunity to do something memorable. I cannot promise you [again, if there is even a "you" out there] that you will hear about it right away, I might not be able to update until I come home on the 18th.

Maybe I will try and make these for Easter:
They are yarn eggs, and they seem super easy to make! I cannot wait to try :)

Or these:
Candy Sushi, totally up my ally. It combines my love for sushi and sugar.

Once I get out of work, my dad, Becky and Erika are stopping by to see the baby again. I really need to take some pictures to post!  


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