Saturday, December 31, 2011

Stay this little, forever. Please?

This is the last post of the year, and I already did 2011 in retrospective in a previous post. What now? Well my friends, I have something more intimate that I wanted to share today. This thought occured a few nights ago, during one of my non-sleep-through-the-night experiences. Ty had woken up again, it was probably 1am or 2am. Mommy = dead tired and did not want to walk/feed/find a pacifier for my almost 9 month old who I feel SHOULD be sleeping through the night. Yes, I will admit, I was slightly irritated. When I say slightly, I mean it. I was not mad at Ty for waking up, instead I am mad he is not in his own crib where he can sleep alone and not feed off of the constant connection (etc). These such matters are out of my control, so back to 2am, holding a squirming Ty trying to finegal his pacifier in his mouth to calm down. Success! We have a sleeping baby, but by this point I am awake (don't ya hate when that happens?) So I decide to read a little while, and while reading I found it hard to hold Ty and the book, and almost put Ty back down. Then a thought occured, I cannot snuggle his little 20 pounds forever. One day he is not even going to fit on my lap, nor will he probably want me to hold him while he is sleeping. *insert sad face here*. It was a sad realization. I then remembered when I was about 3 and my mom told me to stop growing and stay that little forever. I thought my mom was sooo silly, stay little, forever?! Now I get it. Plain and simple. I was able to rationalize myself through this bought of sadness, and thought of all the fun I will have with him at each stage: building legos, taking him to zoos, aquariums, museums, going on trips with him, starting HS, prom, college. I think you catch my drift. I'm kind of excited for all of these milestones, and I will always have the memories of snuggling up with his little warm body and his peach fuzz head resting under my chin with his soft snores.. we are both in complete bliss <3

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